Measures against Covid-19 — Lobby Bar

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Measures against Covid-19

лоби бар бургас, лоби бар, лоби бар в бургас, бар с градина бургас, бар с градина, бар за бизнес срещи, бар с музика на живо, бар с музика на живо бургас

Measures against Covid-19

Dear guests and friends,

For us, your health comes first!

That’s why we take special measures to protect you as much as possible against Covid-19 and other viruses:
All accommodation tables in our Lobby Bar are at least 1.5 distance apart. We perform regular disinfection and cleaning of the premises and all areas in the Lobby Bar according to an approved schedule. We take this opportunity to remind you that hand washing and the use of disinfectant reduce the risk of infection with Covid-19. We believe that the clean air and the measures taken by us will make your visit pleasant and peaceful!
